In the Garden: July 14th

In the Garden: July 14th

It’s time for another update from the garden! Some quick background for new visitors: I garden in NE Minnesota where we have a very short growing season. I use hugelkultur raised beds and apply permaculture methods throughout my garden. Nearly everything I grow are heirloom varieties and all are organically managed- no chemicals, pesticides, or […]

In the Garden: July 1st

In the Garden: July 1st

I find it very helpful to take photos throughout the growing season to track progress and to help me better prepare for the years ahead. And I know that, when researching hugelkultur prior to embarking upon this permaculture growing method myself, there were few start-to-finish articles available. So I’d like to make sure I share […]

Planning for the Cold Climate Heirloom Garden

Planning for the Cold Climate Heirloom Garden

It’s that time of year. I’m guessing that if you haven’t yet placed your seed order for the upcoming gardening season, you’ve at least thought about it. Because even if you might be under piles of snow at the very moment, spring is just around the corner. For some of us, that corner is a […]

How-To Monday: Canning Potatoes

How-To Monday: Canning Potatoes

It’s one of the last crops that we pull in for the year: potatoes. They can stay in the ground long after the cold winds blow, and the overlooked ones have been known to emerge like forgotten dinosaur fossils the following spring. The great thing about them is they’re easy to grow and produce a […]