Breed Focus: Araucana/Ameraucana/Easter Egger: The Facts

Breed Focus: Araucana/Ameraucana/Easter Egger: The Facts

I’m going to start doing a breed focus every week (I hope!) here on the blog. My primary focus at first will be chickens and ducks and then we’ll move on to other poultry from there. Sometimes it’s just nice to know the facts before we go ahead and purchase our future flock members and […]

Photos, Updates, and Ramblings

Photos, Updates, and Ramblings

Sometimes I have so many things to share, but not enough about them to create its own post- so here we are today with random photos, thoughts, and updates. Fall is quickly turning into winter with snowfall already seen and accumulations forecasted over these next few days. The chickens and ducks don’t seem to mind […]