The Daily: 10/26/13

If you’re a fan of our Facebook page, you might be familiar with our album “The Daily”, where we post photos of our daily lives. I thought it would be fun to do a post each week displaying those photos gathered throughout the week here on the blog. 
I’m a bit of an avid photographer- although I would not call myself a professional by any means. I sure do enjoy taking pictures though. I really took an interest in photography when I began my creative career. You may or may not know that I’m a bit of an avid scrapbooker/papercrafter/mixed media artist as well. You can see my crafty blog {here}. I love that I get to capture special photos of my family {who inspire the majority of my scrapbook projects}, as well as the animals and day to day images of our life. Many of these photos will be featured here. I hope that they might bring you a smile 🙂
Here is our week of October 20th, 2013
This week, we saw our first snow of the season. For the most part, our veteran chickens who are entering their third winter really paid it no mind. The babies? A little more skeptical!
Lucy’s expression pretty much sums up how I feel about seeing our first snow! 

 I’ve been closing the ducks in their houses this week. And as soon as I open that door in the morning, they don’t even wait for me to replace the slushy water from the day before- it’s bath time!

Two of our cockerels, inspecting the snowfall. 
Our Delaware youngster accidentally found herself on the wrong side of the door- and just wanted to get back IN!
Rusty is well adapted to the snow. He has the rounded comb (which froze his first winter) to prove it!
Our rose bush has continued to bloom up until this point. It sure looked pretty covered in snow.

I hope you have enjoyed our photos of “The Daily”.
Have yourselves a wonderful day!

About yellowbirchhobbyfarm

Hi! I'm Erin, a 19th-century homesteader at heart. Here at Yellow Birch Hobby Farm we practice self-sustainable living by way of organic gardening, canning & preserving, raising a variety of livestock, hunting, foraging, and cooking from scratch. And here at our blog, we share it all with you! So glad you've found us.

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