Raising Meat Rabbits: Easy Breeding Program for Consistent Food Production

Raising Meat Rabbits: Easy Breeding Program for Consistent Food Production

Raising meat rabbits is a really easy way to provide healthy food for your family. And developing a breeding program that fits your family’s needs will enable you to do so on a consistent basis that takes the stress out of both over (and under) production. Today I’d like to show you my very simple […]

The Beauty of Sustainability

The Beauty of Sustainability

“There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and find enjoyment in his hard work…” – Ecclesiastes 2:24 It was almost dark and we were still outside tossing large hunks of the rotten Mountain Ash tree that my husband finally cut down for me. It laid the foundation for the final […]

How to Treat Ear Mites in Rabbits {Naturally}

How to Treat Ear Mites in Rabbits {Naturally}

I remember the moment I realized I had become a rabbit farmer. It was last spring. Or, rather, a very warm day in late winter when I decided to drag all of my cages out of the chicken coop entry way where I’d been housing my meat rabbits during the cold months. I shook out […]

You Have Too Many Animals.

You Have Too Many Animals.

“You have too many animals.” I would venture to guess there are many of you who have heard this one. Am I right? Well, me too. And it’s no big deal. Can’t help but laugh at those t-shirts and memes that proclaim the proud crazy chicken lady with her 1, 5, 12, don’t-judge-me number of […]

Farm Photo Update

Farm Photo Update

Living on a busy hobby farm provides countless beautiful opportunities for great photos. Springtime is especially busy for us this year with all of the new babies surrounding us: pigs, turkeys, rabbits, and chicks. There’s no doubt that spring brings all kinds of new life, whether it be new animals, the buds on the trees, […]

Raising Meat Rabbits: What to Expect When Babies are Expected

Raising Meat Rabbits: What to Expect When Babies are Expected

If you’ve thought about raising meat rabbits, you are not alone! The popularity of “Cuniculture” is on the rise amongst backyard homesteaders as a way of providing delicious, protein-rich, lean meat for their families. Cuniculture is the agricultural practice of breeding and raising domestic rabbits, usually for their meat, fur, or wool. And, of course, […]

Raising Meat Rabbits: Tips for the Beginner

Raising Meat Rabbits: Tips for the Beginner

When I got into raising meat rabbits six months ago, I really didn’t know what to expect. I knew the basics, had done some research, and had owned {pet} rabbits before. But as far as raising them as a food source, I truly had no idea how it would go. I’m definitely a sink or […]

Canning Rabbit Meat

Canning Rabbit Meat

Canning meat is something that everyone should know how to do and most certainly should never be afraid of. Much of the time when I mention canned meat in conversation, I get that sideways, eyebrow raised, are you crazy? look. I understand that it might sound, well…gross. But it isn’t. I promise you. It’s not […]